GALLARDO received his PsyD in clinical psychology. He is associate professor of psychology at Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology and maintains a part-time independent and consultation practice. His areas of research and practice include culturally responsive practices with Latinos and multicultural and social justice issues. He co-edited the book Intersections of Multiple Identities: A Case- book of Evidence-Based Practice with Diverse Populations in 2009. JOSEPHINE JOHNSON received her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Detroit. She has a full-time independent practice in Livonia, Michigan; is a consultant to community mental health and residential treatment facilities; and provides clinical supervision. Her professional interests include cultural competency and business-of-practice issues. She chaired the American Psychological Association Task Force on the Imple- mentation of the Multicultural Guidelines. THOMAS A. PARHAM received his PhD in counseling psychology at South- ern Illinois University at Carbondale. He is Assistant Vice Chancellor for Counseling and Health Services, as well as an adjunct faculty member, at the University of California, Irvine. His areas of research and practice include psychological nigrescence and racial identity development. He has been the author or co-author of four books on African-centered psychol- ogy. His most recent book, entitled Counseling Persons of African Descent, was published in 2002. JEAN A. CARTER received her PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Maryland. She maintains a full-time independent practice in Washington, D.C., serves as adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland, College Park, and is a 2009 –2011 member of the American Psychological Association Board of Directors. Her interests include professional practice issues, professional development, and ethical di- lemmas.
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