Chronic Disease

Anything that continues over a long period such as chronic disease or chronic pain. chronic disease Disease that develops in an individual gradually or is present from birth and that will probably continue at least for several months and possibly until the person dies. Examples include muscular dystrophy, asthma, and diabetes. cognitive norms Socially accepted rules regarding proper ways of thinking. For example, someone should not think that he is Napoleon or that his radio is sending him secret messages from outer space. commercial insurance Insurance offered by companies that function on a for-profit basis. commodification Process of turning people into products that can be bought or sold. community rating A system for calculating insurance premiums in which each individual pays a premium based on the average health risk of his or her community as a whole. complementary therapies Treatments rarely taught in medical schools and rarely used in hospitals. Also known as alternative therapies. compliance Individuals’ willingness to follow the advice of health care workers. concurrent sexual partners Two or more sexual partners held by an individual during a given, overlapping time period. conflict perspective View that society is held together by power and coercion, with dominant groups imposing their will on subordinate groups.

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