Characteristics of Poland
Poland has a population of 38 million. Poland GDP per capital stood at $18.321 for 2022 (Macrotrends, 2022). The 2011 National Census of Population and Housing report indicated there are 4.7 million people living with disability (Statistics Poland, 2013). The number of disabled people who are wheelchair users is however unknown.
How disability Present in the Polish culture
The Polish educational system offers a diversity of schooling options for children with disability, including integrated and mainstream schools. The government supports psychosocial support and therapy for disabled children through the Rights of Persons with Disability Act 1997. Disabled people have lower employment participation rate. Only 38% of disabled people of working age are in employment. Sports organizations sports certain sports for disabled people at the national level. The Polish Disabled Sport Association “Start” supports sports and rehabilitation activities for disabled users. Business organizations and sports show limited interest in supporting disabled sports. People with disability have issues with specialist coaches, clubs, and competitions.
Building Environment
Buildings are inaccessible for people with disability due to lack of additional aids. The buildings are minimal in nature. Built environment is not friendly for people with disability. Technical and architectural barriers affect mobility, self-reliance, and independence of people with disability. Less than 6% of train stations are adapted for people with disability (Porebska, Barnas, & Gajewski, 2020). There is also lack of suitable means of transportation for disabled users.
Product Certification
Access to assistive devices by people with disability is considered a basic human right. However, there are standards specifying the requirements of assistive device products. Depending on the country importing, assistive device or technology can be considered a medical device or an aid for daily living.
Are Assistive Devices Co-Financed from public Sources
Assistive Devices are funded through public taxes. In Poland, the government provides a budget for assistive devices through the National Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Fund
Hełdak, M., Stacherzak, A., & Przybyła, K. (2018). Demand and Financial Constraints in Eliminating Architectural and Technical Barriers for People with Disabilities in Poland. Journal of Healthcare England, 1297396. doi: 10.1155/2018/1297396.
Macrotrends. Poland GDP per capital 1999-2023. Retrieved on October 12, 2023,a%200.74%25%20increase%20from%202019.