Celia, a slave

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Below is the prompt. a blog type essay that critiques the place of black women within the US using references to the case of State of Missouri v. Celia, a slave. It should have a personal tone. I’m a theatre person and I was thinking about tying in the musical The Color Purple somehow.

1. Demonstrate your understanding of the case of State of Missouri v. Celia, a Slave and the other readings in the unit.

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2. Will discuss one dimension or common theme in these readings. These themes should be connected to our readings and in-class discussion.

3. Will offer a perspective on the readings accessible to an interested, general readership.

4. May tie the readings to current events.

5. Will be written in your unique “bloggers” voice, rather than in academic prose.

6. Will be no less than 800 and no more than 900 words in length.

7. Will include hyperlinks, as appropriate.

8. May include one illustration, as appropriate.

9. May tie in to materials already published on the site of The Celia Project: https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/celiaproject/ (Links to an external site.)

10. A very good blog essay takes up one problem, question, concern you have after reading and participating in class discussion. What do you need to learn or figure out What is still bothering you that you want to examine more closely What connections did you make during this unit

11. For a bonus, select an actual blog for which you are writing.