Causal Analysis Argument about the Media



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Causal Analysis Argument about the Media
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Draft an approximately 1000 word (3-4-page) causal analysis essay in response to the following prompt:

  • Select an image(s) from an electronic source that exemplifies your position on the effect of television in American culture. Should television be allowed in the home?  Your argument should try to show that a cause-and-effect relationship does or does not exist between TV and behavior, or health, intelligence, morality, etc.


As you compose your essay, be sure to:

  • Follow the writing style required by your degree program (APA).
  • Use in-text citations to cite works.
  • Integrate at least four quotes, one summary, and one paraphrase into your essay.
  • Include a References or Works Cited page containing any and all sources you cite in your paper, including images.  You may use one or two images in your essay to support your argument, but each must not take up more than 1/3 of a page (with 1″ margins), and they will not count in the total page count for the assignment.
  • Use the Grading Rubric, Outline Suggestions, and Proofreading Checklist (provided below) to draft and revise your essay.
  • Include your thesis statement and outline on a separate page at the end of the document.


Note: Be sure to cite fully all quotations, summaries, paraphrases, and images.