Captured Moments

The Case

Captured Moments (CM) is a West Virginia based photography company. There are several studios throughout the state specializing in a wide array of photography techniques and styles.

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CM assigns each studio a unique identification number. For each studio, CM tracks name (CM is the overarching company, but each studio can have its own name), city, state, zip code, and phone number. Each studio employs many photographers and staff personnel. Each employee is assigned an employee ID. Every employee has a first and last name and phone number. CM also needs to track the employee’s specialty. For example, an employee can specialize in portrait photography while another employee may specialize in portrait and landscape photography. There must be at least one employee assigned to each studio but there can be many individuals working at any particular studio. An employee can only work for one studio at a time. If an employee moves studio locations, the information is updated in the system and no historical record is kept. Additionally, each studio is managed by one employee at all times. An employee can only manage the studio for which they are assigned.

CM employees can work many photography sessions or may not work any sessions. For example, a studio’s secretary does not work on any photography sessions. Each session must be worked on by at least one employee but there can be many employees working on the same session. Each session has a unique session identification number, a session date, start time, end time, and session theme.

Each session is booked by one or more clients. Each client is tracked in the system with a client number, first name and last name, age, and email. A client will not be in the system until they have booked at least one session, but a client can book as many sessions as they require. When a client books a session, the reservation date, time, and deposit amount is recorded.


Draw an object model that shows the necessary data components of the system described above. If you make assumptions, make sure to list them in detail.


●You must use a computerized drawing package (ex. Word, excel) to draw the diagram – nothing can be hand drawn.

●Please be neat and professional (points will be taken off, if you are not)