Assignment TASK:

Length: 1250 words +/- 10% words

Assignment 1 is designed to help you understand and digest issues that arise in the first half of the subject.

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Answer the 4 following questions from the first part of the subject and write 300-400 words on each question:


  1. What caused the global spread of English?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this spread?
  3. What is standard English, who decides and why does it matter?
  4. What common features do we find in outer circle Englishes?


You should refer to the readings relevant to each question. This assignment does not need to follow essay form (intro, conclusion etc) but should answer the four questions in turn.




-Clear understanding of the key topics from thefirst part of the subject.

– Strong academic communication skills toexplain complexknowledge.


Please note:

stick to the attached readings ONLY.


Subject description

This subject explores the implications of the global spread of English, a hotly debated current issue in TESOL (teaching English for speakers of other languages) and applied linguistics. It examines the general causes and effectsof the global spread of English, including its current relationship with global media and the internet. This includes

linguistic imperialism, linguistic genocide, and the maintenance of global inequality. English is then presented in the varied contexts in which it occurs, and the implications of English having become both a global and a local language inmany parts of the world are discussed. The contemporary roles, status, forms and implications of different varieties ofnew Englishes, including Indian, Singaporean and Australian Aboriginal English, as well as pidgins and creoles areconsidered.


Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

  1. Use key concepts such as linguistic imperialism, language rights, World Englishes, language standardization,

language varieties, creoles, English as a lingua franca

  1. Communicate in clear and precise fashion the ways in which these key terms are used and relate to each other
  2. Carry out research on varieties of English from a sociolinguistic perspective
  3. Develop local language policies showing an awareness of concerns about multilingualism, native speakers and

the medium of instruction.

  1. Integrate pedagogical insights into their teaching related to the diversity of Englishes worldwide