Assignment #5: Persuasive Essay

Assignment #5: Persuasive Essay

  • Due no later than 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of Unit 10
  • Worth 20% of final grade

Length: 2000 words (±100)
Documentation Style: APA

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Assignment #5: Persuasive Essay
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Write a persuasive essay arguing for your position on a controversial issue.


  1. Select a topic from either the Persuasive or Comparative topics list below
  2. Submit as a formal APA Paper with the title page, abstract, formal headings, and two visuals placed in the appendix
  3. Observe all conventions of APA – running header, pages should be numbered at the top right, starting with the title page of the essay
  4. Cite your sources using the APA style and include a References page at the end of your essay
  5. Use 12 point font, double-spaced – Times New Roman Font


Persuasive or Comparative Topics List

  • Privacy Issues in Technology: Is access to technology worth the potential loss of privacy ?
  • Genetic Engineering in Food or Biotechnology:  Are we helping the poor or putting more money into the pockets of the rich?
  • Globalization: Will it unite or divide the world? Is it another form of political, economic and social control by one group?
  • Reconciliation as a way to heal from the past in northern Canada
  • Bullying at work or other forms of workplace discrimination


Assignment #5 will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.

  Activity/Competencies Demonstrated % of Final Grade
1. The paper effectively defines the issue and provides appropriate background or context. /40
2. The paper presents a clear and argumentative thesis that takes into account at least two sides of a debatable issue /20
3. Appropriate references support the thesis /10
4. Ideas are developed using critical thinking and a logical pattern of organization in paragraphs /10
5. Correct APA style was applied in citation, title page and reference pages /10
6. The writing is mostly free of grammatical errors, inclusive, and well edited and proof read. /10
Total /100