Application of Lewin Theory

Describe how you will use a theoretical framework to address the problem/concern identified in Paper 1. (DNP students address an organizational/system change) (Nurse Educator students use a nursing theory or an educations to Address the identified problem/concern Include a 1 page summary of key concepts/ideas of the framework Use narrative or table and narrative format to present the framework. Include a 1 page summary(critical discussion) of the assumptions, limitations, strengths, extent to which theory has been tested, validated in the literature, and types of research that have used this theory as a conceptual framework and your appraisal of the usefulness of this for making change. 3. Specifics: Use of headings Introduction Assumptions Limitations, Strengths, Validation of Theory Usefulness of theory to implement change Summary Use five nursing journals within last 4 years and one original work of the theories used ( Lewin Theory of change)

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Application of Lewin Theory
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