Assignment Compile a Photo Gallery (slideshow in Powerpoint or Google Slides) of
photos of examples (up to the number indicated for each) of the animal taxa listed
Taxon List
● Annelida—Oligochaeta—up to 1
● Annelida—Polychaete—up to 2
● Arthropoda—Arachnida—up to 2
● Arthropoda—Crustacea—up to 5
● Arthropoda—Myriapoda—up to 2
● Arthropoda—Insecta—up to 5
● Ectoprocta—up to 1
● Chordata—Actinopterygii—up to 1
● Chordata—Tetrapoda—up to 4
● Cnidaria—Anthozoa—up to 1
● Cnidaria—Scyphozoa—up to 1
● Echinoderm—Asteroidea—up to 1
● Echinoderm—Echinoidea—up to 1
● Echinoderm—Ophiuroidea—up to 1
● Echinoderm—Holothuroidea—up to 1
● Mollusca—Bivalvia—up to 3
● Mollusca—Gastropoda—up to 5
● Mollusca—Polyplacophora—up to 2
● Mollusca—Cephalopoda—up to 1
● Platyhelminthes—Turbellaria—up to 2
● Porifera –up to 1
Where To Find Animals
● A trip to the tide pools will help you get most of the Phyla that include marine
animals. Look closely and turn over rocks! The best rocky intertidal area is
False Point (just south of Bird Rock), the stairs which go down to it are to the
right of 403 Sea Ridge Dr. You can also park at Tourmaline Surf Park and
walk around the beach (go north, or left from the parking lot). You can also go
to any of the piers (OB, PB, Scripps, etc.) and look at the pilings for some
species. You can find when the tide is low here:
● Other taxa can be found around around your yard & garden (insects, snails,
worms). Turn over rocks and pieces of wood.
● Your (or your friends’) pets can count.
● Pet stores (such as Pet Kingdom in the Sports Arena area) and seafood
markets (such as 99 Ranch) also will have some examples from the list.
● The zoo has many examples of Mammals, but also has a few invertebrates,
reptiles, amphibians and fish to get you some examples.
The Details and Rules
● Each slide should have a picture of the animal(s) labeled with the name of the
taxon as listed above.
● you need to find & correctly identify 20 different animals.
● Photos should be taken yourselves, not downloaded from the
internet. If you have any photos that are not original your assignment will
get a grade of zero.
● If you can’t find a animal, email me for suggestions for where to look or find
an example in iNaturalist and visit it.
● For each taxon, you can have up to the number indicated of DIFFERENT
● You do not need to identify the species with either a common name or a
scientific name.
● presentation of the slideshow must be attractive and creative (design, colors,
etc.). Note: an excessive number of examples of animals is NOT eligible for
extra credit.
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